Issue seven • Issue Seven Reviews
June 16, 2019
A kookaburra laughing carries me home through the clearing where the wattles are bursting their golden crowns dancing against a brooding...
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Reviewed by Angela Wauchop “… Herta’s eyes were open to an army of haters spinning their sticky threads among the populace. Every...
Reviewed by Brittney Alexander. “He had always been fond of knives. Each hilt sat warm and comfortable in the palm of his hand, as though...
Reviewed by Angela Wauchop “The war had left them idle. Each bomb and bullet and bayonet had torn the fabric of the village to ribbons,...
Reviewed by Brittney Alexander. Gareth Russell’s book, The Darksome Bounds of a Failing World, addresses the sinking of the...
Reviewed by Michael Aiken Gareth Jenkins’ Recipes for the Disaster (Five Islands 2019) reads like a series of rituals or incantations,...
Review by Caitlin Bowen Enza Gandolfo is an Australian writer whose latest novel, ‘The Bridge’ delves deep into the circumstances that...
Reviewed by Angela Wauchop “This was not the exultation of war. This was gratitude. This was sadness for the waste of life. … This...
Review by Wendy J. Dunn ACTUALLY, LOVE is the only thing that does last, beyond the karmic astral space junk drifting like detritus...
Issue seven • Issue Seven Reviews • Uncategorised
Review by Brittney Alexander “… the slavery of women happened when the men were slaves of kings. Women’s position is changing. What...
Reviewed by Angela Wauchop “You thought everything was laid up and settled, long ago, and there it would be, suddenly reaching out...
By Thomas Van Essen. Hachette, Non-Fiction, 292 pages “People don’t join cults because they’re stupid or bad people. They...