Jane Clarke

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Jane Clarke’s first collection, The River, was published by Bloodaxe Books in 2015 to both public and critical acclaim. Her second collection, When the Tree Falls will be published by Bloodaxe in 2019. She will also have an illustrated sequence of poems, All the Way Home,published by Smith/Doorstop in 2019.

In 2017 she was awarded an Arts Council of Ireland Literary Bursary. In 2016 she won the Listowel Writers’ Week Poem of the Year Award, the Hennessy Literary Award for Poetry and The River was shortlisted for the Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Literary Award. She holds a BA in English & Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin and an MPhil in Writing from the University of South Wales.

Jane grew up on a farm in Roscommon and now lives with her partner in Glenmalure, Co. Wicklow. She works as a group facilitator and provides tuition and mentoring to writers.  www.janeclarkepoetry.ie